1.static关键字 【在二十二讲视频中30分钟开始讲授】
package com.cl.abstracttest;public class StaticTest { public static void main(String[] args){ MyStatic mystatic = new MyStatic(); MyStatic mystatic2 = new MyStatic(); mystatic.a = 10; System.out.println(mystatic2.a); }}class MyStatic{ int a;}
将int a 改为 static int a 结果就变成了10
package com.cl.abstracttest;public class StaticTest { public static void main(String[] args){ MyStatic mystatic = new MyStatic(); MyStatic.a = 10;//直接用类名.成员变量方式 System.out.println(mystatic.a); }}class MyStatic{ static int a;}
package com.cl.staticandfinal;public class StaticTest2 { public static void main(String[] args) { /*方法一 MyStatic2 s = new MyStatic2(); s.output();*/ //方法二 MyStatic2.output();//需要将方法变成static }}class MyStatic2{ public static void output(){ System.out.println("output"); }}
package com.cl.staticandfinal;public class StaticTest3 { public static void main(String[] args) { M m = new N(); m.output(); } }class M{ public static void output(){ System.out.println("M"); }}class N extends M{ public static void output(){ System.out.println("N"); }} 输出结果为:M 如果把
M m = new N();改为 N m = new N();结果就是N
package com.cl.staticandfinal;public class FinalTest2 { public static void main(String[] args) { H h = new H(); h.output(); }}class G{ public final/*加了final修饰*/ void output(){ System.out.println("G"); }}class H extends G{ public void output()//编译报错:Cannot override the final method from G { System.out.println("H"); }}
package com.cl.staticandfinal;public class FinalTest3 { public static void main(String[] args) { People people = new People(); people.age = 20;//age这里会编译错误The final field People.age cannot be assigned }}class People{ final int age = 10;}
package com.cl.staticandfinal;public class FinalTest3 { public static void main(String[] args) { People people = new People(); people.address = new Address();//这里会编译错误The final field People.address cannot be assigned people.address.name="shanghai";//这里不会报错 }}class People{ final Address address = new Address();}class Address{ String name = "beijing";}